Our family has an ongoing conversation about death. Not everyone is as comfortable with the topic of death. While the topic of death is not fun, it is an important one to cover with those closest to us. Just this week, I accompanied my mom to the doctor. We had to fill out forms for healthcare power of attorney and a form that allowed her to have a say in end of life choices. We breezed through these fairly quickly, because we had taken the time before hand to talk about these decisions. Find the time now to talk about these kinds of decisions before you are met with real decisions. Decide what kind of care you think is appropriate for your end of life. What kind of death do you want? What kinds of things are OK to sustain life? How do you wish to live out your final days? Do you want to die at home or the hospital? Talk to your loved ones about what life means to you and when it is no longer life. These are tough conversations, but they are essential to have. You do not want to have people guessing when your life comes to the close just what you thought about life and death. People carry terrible guilt with them because they just do not know the answer to this question – When is it OK for my loved one to let go of this life? Our loved ones need to know. They need to feel that they have made a decision you would agree with. We live in wonderful times. We live longer and can prolong life, but with this come the burden of making tough choices. Be kind to those who love you and speak to them about how you feel about the end of life.