People are beginning to look at the death care industry. People are beginning to make new choices. Family lead funerals must return as the standard in planning funerals and burial. Of course this can look different for each circumstance. A family lead funeral is any funeral where the family leads the planning and takes into consideration the unique story of the person being remembered. People must educate themselves on their rights as consumers. People must begin to speak openly with their families and find service providers who can help them with details. Read this blog. Find a death doula even if you live in a state that force consumers to hire a funeral director. Start asking questions. I can assure you the knowledge you gain will reward you in many ways. We need to return to family lead funerals. We need to give the power back to consumers. We need to stop thinking of the conventional death care workers as the authority on the subject. We need to reclaim our families and our stories. In the end, the families are the ones who know the person and know what is the best way to give honor to the loved one’s memory.
#funeralplanning, #homefunerals, #greenburial, #endoflifedecisions, #preplanning