Every time I hear someone speak about their bodies as unimportant, I feel a little sad. I believe deeply that everyone has the right to do with their body in death what is legal and according to their spirituality or view on life. I do not mean to hinder anyone’s choices in any way. When I hear these things said, I wonder if they have considered how their bodies have carried them through this life. These vessels have allowed us great joy and at time deep despair. Our bodies are not just something we have to endure and get be released from in death. They are our means of living the life we live. I think that makes our bodies good and honorable. Is it good to donate your body to science? Only you know the answer. Is it good to have your body cremated? Again, you know what is right for you and your family. I only ask that you consider that those who love you might feel strongly about your body and what happens to it after death.
We can speak all we would like to about what we want to have done in death, but our families are the ones who must do the work upon our death. We have held and kissed those we love. We have made them dinners. We have told them stories. We have sung songs and danced dances. We have held deep and meaningful conversations. We have made jokes. We have done all this with our bodies. In my book that makes them sacred, important and beautiful. After the death of a loved one, sometimes we feel the need to hold them one last time. We may need to kiss them. We may need to clean and care for their bodies. We do that because we love the person – their minds as well as their bodies. Remember we know each other through our bodies. When speaking with our loved ones who will take charge of our bodies in death, remember how dear your body might be to. Remember that they love you – that includes your body.